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Inheritance differences between class and struct?

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Inheritance differences between class and struct? Empty Inheritance differences between class and struct?

Post  moneymotive Thu Nov 27, 2008 1:28 pm

• a struct is implicitly sealed, a class isn't.
• a struct can't be abstract, a class can.
• a struct can't call : base() in its constructor whereas a class with no explicit base class can.
• a struct can't extend another class, a class can.
• a struct can't declare protected members (eg fields, nested types) a class can.
• a struct can't declare abstract function members, an abstract class can.
• a struct can't declare virtual function members, a class can.
• a struct can't declare sealed function members, a class can.
• a struct can't declare override function members, a class can. The one exception to this rule is that a struct can override the virtual methods of System.Object, viz, Equals(), and GetHashCode(), and ToString().
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